They said it would be easy, but this is how I feel! Being in business shouldn’t be this hard! It feels like swimming through quicksand; waking up with that gnawing feeling to ensure I have enough dollars coming in. Money seems to be syphoned out of my bank account. Everybody seems to get paid before me. Employees, bills, the tax man and family pressures. Where’s my profit? Is there some kind of conspiracy to make business hard and stressful? How is it that business success seems to come easily to others, do they have the golden touch, or some hidden secret?”
Many Aussies intend to stop work around age 65. The average life expectancy in Australia is about 83. How many “good” years will you have left when you can finally stop work or sell your business? No one wants to work until they die! * The prospect of retiring in poverty, letting their family down financially and/or unrealised financial goals means they stay trapped in their business.
My 2-day “Turbocharge Your Business” mastermind will provide a documented “how to” roadmap to fast-track business growth, guaranteed #.
On completion you will no longer feel lost, or like you’re losing your grip on your business. You’ll approach your business confident and equipped with a blueprint for business success to run your business on your terms.
1. Finally. Your business “works for you”!
2. Limited to 12 seats per workshop.
3. Tested and proven business success strategies prepared for you.
4. Suitable for both business start-ups and veterans.
5. Leverage business assets and strategies for generating passive income.
• The Lifetime Customer Value. Creating clients for life.
• Master the business numbers that really matter and get results.
• Overcome the “weapons of mass distraction”
• Create a strong USP (unique selling proposition) for your business.
• Clearly define and understand your ideal client/customer.
• Create a “success environment”.
– Crystalising business direction
– Succession planning & estate planning review
– Exit strategy
– Mindset makeover
– Building your Unique Selling Proposition
– Defining your ideal client
– The numbers that really matter
– Eliminate the ‘weapons of mass distraction
– Creating a “success environment”
– Protecting your productivity
– Impact marketing
Orchid Room Boardroom
Emporium Hotel
267 Grey St, South Brisbane
$900 for an additional person from the same business; limited to 1.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee:
# Turbocharge Your Business comes with my 100% money back guarantee! If on completion you don’t believe the implementing the strategies learned will add value to your business I will refund you.